The importance of good sleep

The importance of good sleep

Advices and proposals for baby's comfortable sleep.

I'm sure you're familiar with those baby suits with the wisecracking slogans: "If I don't sleep, no one in here sleeps" or "From now on I will decide when and how much you sleep", unfortunately they are all true. Here are some tips on how you can help your little monster have a healthy sleep.

As a rule, in the first few weeks of life, newborns do not have regular hours of sleep. It is only after the third-fourth month that they get used to the rhythms of sleeping and waking. To help your baby, you should definitely follow a certain procedure. For example, music boxes with melody signals indicate it's time for bedtime. Even reading a bedtime story or a lullaby combined with a little humming helps to create a daily routine.

In addition, many newborns have a favourite teddy bear or blanket that they like to cuddle at bedtime. If your baby is,nevertheless,having difficulty sleeping, it could be because you haven't found the right time to put them to sleep. Keep an eye on any signs of tiredness, such as quiet breathing, less desire to move and drowsy look: when you notice these things, take him/her to bed immediately. If he/she is disturbed at this stage and cannot sleep, screaming and whining are inevitable.

Best cool and simple, this is the ideal environment for the baby

In the first year of life, most babies sleep in their own cot in their parents' bedroom. The environment there is ideal for them. The sound of your breathing calms the baby and if you're breastfeeding, it's also the most practical solution to have your little one next to you. Newborns prefer a cooler environment - a diaper, a onesie and a sleeping bag are more than enough. The room should be between 16 and 18 degrees. In the beginning your baby doesn't need a pillow and blanket - wrapped in the warmth of the sleeping bag and lying on his/her back, he/she sleeps better and safer.

The midday nap better be short

Parents are usually happy when their baby sleeps. Blessed peace! Quick, quick, get the housework done - or better yet, lie on the couch for a while with a magazine. Newborns need on average approx. 16 hours of sleep on average. After the third month the sleep time decreases to 15 hours, after the ninth month to 14. So it's best not to let your baby sleep for too many hours. Otherwise it is likely that in the evenings he will be lively and full of energy.

The "Retrieved" method or parents’ bed? The choice is yours

It's possible that your baby doesn't want to sleep without his or her mum or dad. Don't worry. After all, life with three is a whole new thing and of course you don’t want to leave your little precious one out of your sight at first. Anyone who wishes to teach their baby to sleep alone, can do the following: After putting him/her in his crib, sit in a chair next to him/her and after he/she falls asleep, quietly leave the room. Each night, gradually move the chair away from the crib until the baby gets used to staying in it without mom and dad.

However, you can also continue to have your baby in your own bedroom - and later, when he or she is a little older, you can take him or her into your bed. More than a few parents prefer this solution. Decide for yourself and try out which method will make your baby and you (and your partner, of course!) feel better.

Evening snack to help your baby sleep better

Around the sixth month, you can start replacing evening milk with cream. It is made from cereal flakes, milk and a little fruit puree. Because this cream is very filling, your little precious one will probably no longer wake up so often in the middle of the night - or at least not because he/ she’s hungry.